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San Jose Unity is currently holding try outs for 2nd-8th grade boys.


Try outs are being held on February 9th at Allen at Steinbeck and February 20-21st at Castillero Middle School. They will run concurrently with our Friday team practices.

Friday, February 9th at Allen At Steinbeck

5th-6th Grade from 6PM - 7:30PM

7th-8th Grade from 6PM - 8PM


Wednesday, February 20th and Thursday, February 21st  at Castillero Middle School

2nd-5th Grade from 11AM - 12PM

6th-7th Grade from 12PM - 1PM

8th Grade & Up from 1PM- 2PM


Players will be evaluated on current and potential basketball skills, athleticism, and attitude.  Games typically take place on Sundays and some Saturdays.   More detail will be provided at try outs. 

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